Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Herbalife Nutrition and Cancer


We'll not only make you feel good , but look great.

Cancer 2

Cancer (6/3/2002)

Cecile Riviere-Duncan - Terrigal, N.S.W., AUSTRALIA
Before Herbalife, I was not very healthy nor was I very happy. I had CANCER - stage II Carcinoma of the left breast, diagnosed in 1984. I had an excision and axillary clearance. Twenty one (21 out of thirty three (33)axillary lymph nodes removed, contained Metastatic disease. I was given Adjuvant Chemotherapy as well as local Irradiation to the area. A bone scan revealed some increased uptake in the left tibia and in the head of the femur, but later X-rays of these areas were unremarkable. In 1985 in the lung, a left upper lobe occlusion was noted. A fine needle aspiration was done and no malignant disease was found.
After all this, my G.P. cold-heartedly told my mother that I had only six(6) months to live; although Professor Tattersalls had said I had 25% chance to live, I did not, at that time, limit myself to this ‘SENTENCE”.
To all cancer patients - remember: CANCER IS ONLY A WORD, NOT A SENTENCE. It is amazing what POSITIVE ATTITUDE, FAITH AND PRAYER, GOOD DIET (and perhaps I should mention a good doctor to look after you regularly) can do to help one hang in there till the right thing comes along.
When I was introduced to Herbalife Nutritional Programme, it was a Godsend. I looked at it seriously and purely as a nutritional back-up. The Cancer and the treatment had left me anemic and feeling very weak. My doctor used to give me two (2) injections a week, each of four (4) different vitamins which she called a ‘COCKTAIL”, to try to build me up. It was a continuous fight to keep my blood count up. At that stage my doctor was worried that I could have the Cancer back at anytime, and anywhere and so was I.
After three (3) months of using the products I had lost thirteen (13)kilos [~28.6 pounds...editor] which I had gained during the period that followed my convalescence; this was a bonus - what was more important to me was my health. THE MICRO-NUTRIENTS IN THE PROGRAMME gave me a new lease of life. I regained my energy, I had no more pins and needles at the tips of my fingers and my whole health improved. The obvious improvement in my general health prompted my doctor to look into these products. She was rather skeptical until she could no longer deny the health benefits I was experiencing. The doctor used the products herself and helped several of her patients to control their weight and to obtain better health results.
For me it has been a journey to good health. It is very important to keep my immunity level at its best. Nutrition is the key to good health and the concept of Cellular Nutrition, along with a proper diet and healthy lifestyle, provides our body with the nutrients we need daily in balance. This is my Health Insurance.
Now with DERMAJETICS it is helping me look as good as I feel. Being a product of the products, I help many people achieve good health and look good. Investing Life into Life -- Isn't this what life is all about!!
THANKS Mark Hughes for giving us HERBALIFE!!!!!

Cancer, Manic-depression, Hiatus Hernia

Jim Simpson 
Kelowna, B.C.
Hi, my name is Jim Simpson. I am over fifty years old but feel and look much younger now than I did a few years ago.
In 1990 I was an old man with cancer, gall bladder disease, low blood sugar, hiatus hernia, constant indigestion, manic depression, and I had trouble sleeping.
Things only got worse when I submitted to radiation for my cancer. I began to have constant diarrhoea, which lasted for a year and a half - all day, everyday!
In July of 1992 I began to use Cellular Nutrition, Florafiber and Herbal Aloe drink.
In three days the diarrhoea disappeared and has not bothered me since. I no longer use antacids of any kind, no more sugar, and no more manic depression. I require much less sleep, have more energy than when I was thirty, and I now weigh 36 lbs less than I did in the summer of 92!!! THANK YOU HERBALIFE FOR GIVING ME MY LIFE BACK!
I am now busy as a Herbalife Independent Distributor, helping Mark Hughes take better health and nutrition around the world!
I am also creating a substantial income for my family and others by sharing the Herbalife opportunity with all who will listen to my story!
Jim Simpson

After Bowel Cancer

 After Bowel Cancer (11/21/2005) Phyllis Spencer - Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

telephone: +64 9444 5370
Before Herbalife I had survived bowel cancer but was left with a legacy of not quite full control of the business end of the body. This meant always wearing liners in case of leakages etc and also having to swallow horrible glue-like fibre stuff morning and night to keep the colon working OK.
I had to refrain from consuming certain food and drink as it gave a bad reaction to the system - but hey! I was grateful for life and accepted this.
Within 2 days of being on the products my body's machinery was working like it used to before the cancer drama and I soon found I no longer had to wear protective liners.
A bonus was losing fat around the midriff and to me the best part was I could enjoy a dark ale with my mates on a Friday night with no repercussions!!!!
I take Formulas 1, 2, 3, Chitosan, Florafibre, NRG and Aloe concentrate (very helpful for the colon I believe).
I also love the Thermojetics Herbal beverage.
I will now never be without the Herbalife products and really look forward to sharing the benefits with all I meet.


Chris Robinson - Sterling, VA, USA

Chris Robinson

On April 6, 2005 I was informed that my B-Cell Lymphoma was gone... that's G-O-N-E!!! My doctor had me at stage 4, which is the worse, and only gave me a 30% chance of recovery. This was my second fight and win with cancer. This time I had Herbalife as a helper, thank God!
It took me 3 1/2 years to beat T-cell Lymphoma 31 years ago. It's only taken me 21 weeks (approximately 4 months) to beat this one. I do believe I owe a large part of my recovery to a cancer fighting diet ('CANCER, Fight it with the Blood Type Diet' by, Dr. Peter J.D'Adamo), which was 75% organic fruits and veggies, and the remainder protein mainly wild caught fish and organic chicken, and beef on rare occasions. No fat, no dairy (I learned to love soy cheeses and other soy products), no sugar or artificial sweeteners (the liver does not know how to metabolize these. I use Stevia). This diet also included ginger tea, ginger and garlic were used in cooking as much as possible.
I continued my use of Herbalife products against doctors orders, because I felt that I needed the nutritional benefits of them and their antioxidant effects. I just feel so convinced and passionate about the fact that I most likely would not have recovered had it not been for these products and my dietary changes. I had at least one, sometimes two, nutritional packed protein shakes a day made with skim milk, with active fiber powder in each (to combat the constipating effects of the pain medications). I also took 6 cell activators (for maximum absorption of nutrients), 4 multivitamins, Echinacea when needed, 2 Mega Garlic, 1,000 mgs. Calcium, Rose Ox and Shizandra to enhance my immune system, 2 packs of Garden 7 , and 2 Joint Support per day for bone and joint health. I truly feel that the cell-activators played a large part in my body’s ability to metabolize all of the other supplements. The doctor had me on 1 tablet of Coumadin per day. Instead of using more coumadin I took 6 Herbalifeline per day, to keep my blood thin so my port wouldn’t clog. I have enlightened my doctor to the beneficial qualities of Herbalifeline and all Herbalife products relative to creating a strong nutritional foundation to enable the body to fight cancer. Remember, all these products were taken against doctor’s orders (she said there had not been enough “research” done in the use of vitamin and herbal supplements in cancer treatment), but look where I am today!!!
I also took Vit C 1,000 mgs/day, Acidophilus 2 per day, Spirulina 1,000 mg’s/day, Carlson Aces Gold (Vitamin’s A,C,E, and Selenium plus other antioxidants which fight off free radicals), and Helix Pomatia (snails) 6 per day. According to my research I feel that Helix Pomatia is one of THE most beneficial cancer fighting supplements. It attaches itself to the cancer cells (tags these cells) and promotes easier identification for the chemotherapy drugs.
My cancer was in my breast, surrounding arm and leg bones, all through the liver and in lymph glands throughout my entire body. After only four months of treatments my PET scan shows NO cancer. What makes my story even more incredible is the fact that my brother passed away on the same day that I received my first chemotherapy, five months after receiving the same diagnosis. Unfortunately he was not open to any alternative treatments. Please feel free to contact me for further information.
Chris Robinson